Neurodiversity Affirming Therapist

Kelly Hume, MSW

I use a combination of EMDR, BWRT, and biofeedback to help people break free from unhealthy patterns, improve their mood and focus, and increase their ability to thrive. My psychotherapy experience has been centered primarily in healing trauma and addiction, mostly working with individual adults and some teens. I've invested heavily in interventions that create fast and permanent changes.  

At times, the mind and nervous system are stuck in ways that talk therapy and even EMDR can't sufficiently change. That's where biofeedback comes in. It uses specialized software to train the brain's electrical activity to reflect more healthy patterns. It can do marvels in treating diverse emotional, psychological, and cognitive problems such as ADHD, autism, anxiety, depression, brain injury, learning disorders, PTSD, and addiction. The best results I've seen are when I combine both modalities. Clients often walk away feeling freed from afflictions that have weighed them down for years.

Kelly accepts the following insurance:

Utah Therapy Works Insurance